Journal Subscription
Sanaamul Quran : Jurnal Wawasan Keislaman purchase and subscription details:
- For institutions, the price of a single print issue is IDR. 120.000,-/issue (not including shipping cost)
- For individuals, the price of a single print issue is Rp. 100.000,-/issue (not including shipping cost)
- For Outside Indonesia, the price of a single print issue is $ 60/year (individual) (not including shipping cost)
- Journals can be purchased directly at the secretariat of the Sanaamul Qur'an at Faculty of Education and Teaching Science, 2nd floor, House of Journal, Al-Mukmin Islamic High School Surakarta, Indonesia Jl. Parangkesit, Ngruki, Cemani, Grogol, Sukoharjo, Surakarta or through a transfer to BSI account name STIM AL-MUKMIN SURAKARTA, account number 3333555521.
- The availability of each issue may change at any time depending on the existing stock at the secretariat.
- For further information please contact: SQ Admin (+62 878-8436-8833)
- The shipping cost is adjusted to the price of the postal delivery service provider and or the like.